Healthy Teeth Are Important At Any Age - Especially for Young Children

Young child brushing her teeth.
Good oral health habits start early.

Children's Dental Care

Dental cavities (or caries) are a common chronic disease seen in American children today. They can lead to infections, trouble eating, playing, speaking and learning. Children with sub-par oral health miss more school and often have lower academic achievement than those with better oral health. According to the CDC, about 20% of children ages 5 to 11 have at least one untreated decayed tooth.

There are many simple things that you can do to improve your child’s oral health and prevent cavities:

  • Be sure to see your child’s dentist on a regular basis; they can put a sealant on your child’s molars (rear teeth), which can prevent over 80% of cavities. See below for info about Dr. Dynasaur insurance
  • Use fluoride. The CDC states that this can prevent about 33% of cavities. You can do this by:
    • Using a fluoride containing toothpaste (once you know your child can spit it out)
    • Living in an area that has fluoride containing water
    • Adding fluoride to your own water
  • Wipe your baby’s gums in the morning after their first meal and before bed with a clean, soft cloth, progressing to a tooth brush when appropriate
  • Limit sugary foods, especially when they can coat the teeth. Sugar promotes the growth of acid-producing oral bacteria, which contributes to cavity formation.
    • Be sure to avoid giving your child a sugary drink before bed or naps
    • Do not allow them to fall asleep with a bottle: This allows the sugar to sit on their teeth for an extended period further promoting bacteria growth.
  • Dr. Dynasaur is a health and dental insurance program for all eligible Vermont children. Having health and dental insurance is an integral factor in your child’s development and success during childhood and into their adult lives.

    If you need any assistance accessing Dr. Dynasaur or any other developmental services call Help Me Grow Vermont by dialing 211 and choosing option 6 for Help Me Grow (HMG).

If you are pregnant or have children birth through age 8 and need assistance connecting with community resources and supports, please call Help Me Grow, available Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. You can also reach us by texting HMGVT to 898211. Visit