Did You Know? Help about health care issues

Vermont’s Office of the Heath Care Advocate HelpLine is a free resource available to help all Vermonters solve problems related to health care. We:
- tell you what free and lower-cost programs you may be eligible for
- help you apply for and get free and lower-cost health coverage
- find out what your health plan covers
- provide advice about how to solve billing problems and make complaints
- work for fair treatment and affordable health services for everyone
The Office of the Health Care Advocate is not an insurance company and is not part of Vermont state government. It is a special project within Vermont Legal Aid, an independent non-profit law firm.
Vermont Legal Aid provides many services in addition to the Health Care Advocate.
We provide civil legal services for Vermonters, including those living in poverty, with a disability, or over age 60. We also serve anyone who is discriminated against in housing decisions and all who face challenges related to health care insurance or services.
Our work spans 11 broad projects. Our services are free.
Our projects:
- Disability Law Project
- Elder Law Project
- Health Care Advocate Project
- Housing Discrimination Law Project
- Mental Health Law Project
- Poverty Law Project
- Vermont Long-Term Care Ombudsman Project
We work closely with our partner agency, Legal Services Vermont(link is external), which provides a variety of legal services and also manages the legal helpline(link is external) that handles requests for legal help for both organizations. If we can help, clients are referred to either Vermont Legal Aid or Legal Services Vermont. Clients are also referred to other programs.
Together we maintain VTLawHelp.org(link is external), a legal help website. It provides practical tools and useful information for those who want to understand their rights or legal problem or need to represent themselves before state agencies, in fair hearings or in the courtroom. VTLawHelp.org(link is external) also provides access to the services of Vermont Legal Aid and Legal Services Vermont.