Comparing January 2023 to January 2022

Comparing Top Five Categories of Referrals
The top five categories lead with Basic Needs (1,178 referrals), which includes housing/shelter, food, utilities, transportation and material goods. Housing/shelter was the highest area of need this past month and last January and always tops annual referrals.
Organizational/Community Services (428 referrals) came second in number of referrals and includes Information Services -- such as specialized information and referral including Help Me Grow Vermont and area agencies on aging. Consumer Services (421 referrals) includes tax organizations and services, which makes up most of the referrals. Vermont 211 sets up appointments for tax preparation through Chittenden Community Action and Capstone Community Action.
Income Support (281 referrals) includes public assistance programs like General Assistance and 3SquaresVT (aka Food Stamps). And, in January 2023, Legal Services (89 referrals) was the fifth-most requested resource.
See more data on referrals and the number of contacts we receive here.